marginalia and
forgotten places
Conference organised by the Doctoral School of Verona University
17-19 May 2021, online
We are glad to contribute to this event which aims to investigate the concept of margin.
Marginalia is a multidisciplinary conference organized by the Doctoral School of Verona University, which aims to investigate the concept of margin in cultural production and dissemination. In particular, the conference invites prospective participants to consider the social impact of marginal literary, linguistic and cultural practices from a variety of academic perspectives related to the humanities as a transdisciplinary academic field, including science, technology and economic studies. It was conceived as an attempt to shed light on forgotten aspects of human societies and cultures and allow for an understanding of their manifold, complex nature.
The conference will also dedicate a special panel to the U.N. 2030 Agenda and the promotion of its 17 sustainable goals.
Our contribution
We will present these three works on May 17th, along the Margins and Computer Science (Symposium) Time: 13:30 – 15:30 Chair: Giovanni Menegozzo, Damiano Carra
Situation Awareness for Autonomous Surgical Robots: On the Handling of Rare Events
Authors: Eleonora Tagliabue, Maria-Camilla Fiazza, Marco Bombieri
Presenting Author: Eleonora Tagliabue
Download Abstract [IT Lang]
Automation on the Brink of Autonomy: Letting Go of Control
Authors: Maria-Camilla Fiazza, Marco Bombieri
Presenting Author: Maria-Camilla Fiazza
Download Abstract [IT Lang]
Autonomy in Robotic Surgery: Innovation at the Cutting Edge
Authors: Marco Bombieri, Maria-Camilla Fiazza, Eleonora Tagliabue
Presenting Author: Marco Bombieri
Download Abstract [IT Lang]

© Luca Pinamonte (Verona)
Watch it live on Zoom
Our speech will be on 17 May from 13:30 to 15:30