COSUR 2018 – Press release

COSUR 2018 – Press release

COSUR 2018 Organized by ALTAIR Robotics laboratory in collaboration with the Horizon 2020 projects ARS and SARAS. PRESS RELEASE 26 attendees and 16 speakers from mostly all continents met in Verona to attend COSUR 2018, second edition of the biannual Doctoral School...
COSUR 2018 –  Enrolments

COSUR 2018 – Enrolments

cosur 2018 official announcment  Dates announced for the second edition of the biannual Summer School on Control of Surgical Robots (COSUR) funded by the ARS project 2nd Biannual Summer School on Control of Surgical Robots (COSUR) 2018 funded by the ars project 9-13...